A Story is the Shortest Distance Between People

We are a people of color-led progressive communications collective devoted to supporting frontline activists and strategic advocates committed to equity and justice. Amplify Resonance is a reflection of our love for people, storytelling, and social movements. Our collective has also become a portal for creating a mini version of the world we want to live in through the community we’ve created with our team and the work we do with our partners.

Freedom Bound

In the same way that our freedoms are bound together, we believe that we all have a role to play in supporting one another’s struggles and efforts. At Amplify Resonance, we believe our role is to support social change organizations in acquiring the skills and capacity necessary to build narrative power and connection with their audiences through strategic communications.

Smash the Ego to Unleash Radical Empathy

We act as a partner with our clients - nonprofits, social justice groups, foundations - to amplify their efforts, build their brands and become even more adept in using communications as a tool for organizing people and ideas.

Our approach is "platform-agnostic," which means we tailor communications, campaign, and organizational strategies and tactics to meet the needs of our client partners.

Our Services

  • Discovery & Visioning

    The discovery process allows us to tap into your collective wisdom to understand your why, values, vision, audiences and more—precursors for effective communications.

  • Narrative & Messaging Strategy

    We co-develop the narrative strategy and messaging framework your organization needs in order to animate your vision and activate your audiences.

  • Collaborative Media Making

    We support you in defining and planning your media outreach strategy as well as working with you on all or some aspects of the editorial process from research to ghost writing and pitching journalists.

  • Stroytelling Strategy & Implementation

    We help you to capture and tell the stories that your audience needs to hear in order to connect with your vision.

  • Visual & Digital Design

    We help you tell visual stories, enhance your digital presence via thoughtful branding, design, and social content co-creation.

  • Communications Coaching

    We facilitate a process of ideation to uncover insights and solutions as well as implementation.